3X Slimming Power pill 10 boxes

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3X Slimming Power
An exclusive ingredient in the 3X SLIMMING POWER, prevents the digestion of dietary fat, hence reducing its absorption by the body. After steady and continuous use, body parts prone to fat accumulation (belly, arms, thighs and buttocks) could see dramatic benefits/changes.

Mechanism of Action:
1) FAT REDUCTION Lower calories intake, prevents the conversion of carbohydrates and sugars into fat, hence reducing the fat deposit in the body.
2) 60% FAT ELIMINATION 60% dietary fat would be eliminated out of the body hence reducing fat absorption.
3) FAT BURNING Speeds up the metabolism. Increases the fat burning rate to help keep your body firm.
4) With appropriate exercise, flabby body parts can be firmed up quickly. Contains various natural and herbal essences with no preservatives.Free of medicines and heavy metals. Contains:60 Capsules
5) Main Effect Fat Burning, Dropsy, Detoxification, Body Shaping. Natural, Healthy, Reliable, Effective. Compliant with Japanese GMP standard. Helps burning up fat faster with exercise. Contains various natural and herbal essences with no preservatives, free of medicines and heavy metals.

LingZhi, Ebony, Fox-nut, Tuckahoe, Seman Pruni, Dioscoreae, Wheat Germ, Nature Substance.

Reccomended Usage:
Take one capsule once a day before breakfast. If you do not feel any symptoms of uncomfortableness after using for 3 days, then increase to 2 capsules, once a day before breakfast. Start by taking the minimum that's recommended.

Store in a cool and dry place.

Not recommended for those with heart disease, myocardial impaction, malfunction of liver or kidney, pregnant women as well as children.

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