Herbal Flos Lonicerae (Herbal Xenicol) Natural weight loss Formula 1 box

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Herbal Flos Lonicerae (Herbal Xenicol) Natural weight loss Formula
Herbal Flos Lonlcerae (Herbal Xenicol) is developed by Bitter Orangs Trade CO.,Ltd and Chinese Sclentific Academy.It is the one and only herbal lipase enzyme currently,the product only works in your intestines by blocking the fat you eat from being absorbed which is the difference of this product with other central never working weight loss product.Currently,it is the most professional,safest herbal product for long term weight maintenance and prevents weight rebounding in the world.
Product Features:
1. Herbal Xenicol (Herbal Flos Lonicerae) is the one and only herbal lipase enzyme currently on the market
2. Currently, it is the most effective herbal product for long term weight loss, maintenance and prevention of weight rebounding
3. Herbal Xenicol (Herbal Flos Lonicerae) only works on enzymes that break down fat, not on other enzymes
4. Herbal Xenicol (Herbal Flos Lonicerae) helps block about 40% of the fat in the foods you eat from being absorbed by your body
5. It is one and only one herbal lipase enzyme, works in your intestines by blocking the fat you eat
Functional Ingredients:
Flos Lonicerae(Microsphaera linicerae Wint.in Rabenh):25.83% ,(73mg)Nomame Semaherb (Cassia Nomame):18.68%,52mg
Perilla Leaf extract:15.52%,43mg
Fleeceflower Root (Radixe Polygoni Multiflori):12.36%, 35mg
Mignonette (Reseda odorata Linn.):8.15%,23mg
Aloe Vera (Aloe):7.36%,21mg
This product is not applicable for women in pregnancy.
Storage:Kept in air-proof,cool and dry place
Ingredients:Flos Lonicerae,Nomame Semaherb,Perilla leaf Extract,Fleeceflower Root,Mignonette Aloe Vera,Starch.
Specification:350mg/capsule,30 capsules/box
Usage & Dosage:One capsule one day,take it before or after breakfast.
Suited Community:Those who want to maintain weight and prevent weight rebounding.
Valid Period:24 months.

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